I was contacted by the talented people at Filmograph to collaborate on the company Logo ID for Starlight, who came out with their first movie. The 2d logo was already designed and they were looking for a 6 frame storyboard to communicate the sequential narrative concept for the logo animation.
It turned out to be a fast paced project with only a 1 day booking. Here is what I came up with. Enjoy!
It turned out to be a fast paced project with only a 1 day booking. Here is what I came up with. Enjoy!
This concept is an abstract version of the photographic development process. We focus on the reaction when light hits the film and a latent image transforms into a visible image.
Story: Close up to a black rough abstract surface.(could be stone) A (star)light-beam hits the surface. The camera pans up and we see a golden lava like liquid cracking and glowing through the surface and “developing” the logo.

Inspired by rusty vintage car logos we dive for a second in an old crime movie from the 50s and reveal the logo in a mysterious night scene.
Story: We start with a starry sky. Camera moves backwards and we see the stars as reflection moving over the the 3d metal logo. The camera stays tracked to the rusty old car. As the car turns, more “starlight” hits the logo in the right angle the logo gets fully illuminated.


Role: Designer
Studio: Filmograph